
Support "format nodes"?

anp opened this issue · 6 comments

anp commented

I'm currently reviewing a PR that moves from snax to syn-rsx and I quite like most of what we get out of the change. One thing we're having to give up, though, is the ability to add sigils to the delimiters of expressions we parse in order to have a shorthand for string formatters, like this:

let button = mox! {
    <button onclick={move |_| set_value.update(|n| Some(n + 1))}>
        {% "{} ({})", text, value }

I chose {% ... } for the delimiters because it was (a) easy enough to implement with snax, (b) didn't collide with other common rust sigils and (c) reminded me of python's formatter sigil. Definitely open to alternative ways of spelling it out.

With the switch to syn-rsx, the above becomes:

let button = mox! {
    <button onclick = move |_| set_value.update(|n| Some(n + 1))>
        {format_args!("{} ({})", text, value)}

I'm of the opinion that formatting strings for XML-ish things is a common-enough operation that it deserves a shorthand, although I'll note that JSX itself gets by just fine without it. I'll also note that JS has tilde-format-strings, which we don't :*(. What do you think?

gbj commented

Just popping in to say I'd also benefit from something like this. Maybe it would be possible to specify an additional arbitrary delimiter, in addition to { ... }? So you could for example specify that {% ... } should be treated differently from { ... }, or (if someone wanted to mimic parts of Angular syntax for example) that [ ... ] has some special meaning as in <input [value]="whatever"/>

The use cases for special, non-valid-Rust syntax inside blocks can probably be vastly different, e.g. when thinking about all the things template engines are doing. So I'm hesitant to start implementing that here, since I feel like it's too high level for syn-rsx which tries to be generic plumbing for people implementing their own proc macros.

However, I've implemented a transform_block configuration, which exposes the ability to parse and transform block content. An example usage which would cover {% "{} ({})", text, value } could look like this:

use quote::quote;
use syn::{Expr, ExprLit, Token};
use syn_rsx::{parse2_with_config, ParserConfig};

let tokens = quote! {
    <div>{% "{} ({})", text, value}</div>

let config = ParserConfig::new().transform_block(|input| {
    if input.peek(Token![%]) {
        let format_string = input.parse::<ExprLit>()?;

        let mut values = vec![];
        loop {
            if input.is_empty() {


        Ok(Some(quote! { format_args!(#format_string, #(#values),*) }))
    } else {

parse2_with_config(tokens, config).unwrap();

Hope that covers it. If that doesn't help or there's something missing, please let me know.

Published transform_block in v0.8.0-beta.1, feedback welcome

anp commented

Wow, thanks! Will let you know how it goes.

This works great! Thank you!

Closing as this seems to be solved.