
nothing added in bcms admin views

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I can't find where this gem adds screen to bcms - can you enlighten me or tell me what I need to check?

You need to copy the original file into your project: app/views/cms/shared/_admin_sidebar.html.erb

Then you need to add this line to the tools section:

<li<%= ' class="open"' if @menu_section == 'search_engines' %>><%= link_to "Search Engine Submission", cms_search_engines_path %></li>

When you update your project it actually copies this file in the gams init script, rails/init.rb
All files copied are listed in this script file.
script/generate browser_cms # runs this init script.
I hope this helps

yep, when I ran the migrate task I didn't let it overwrite any files - I reviewed your gemspec to see what it wanted to do and noticed the sidebar ammends.

Cheers for getting back to me! Great module!

Good, and thanks.
Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.