
DesktopChat - Exact same looking app on iTunes Store

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Are you aware that there is an app on iTunes store that looks EXACTLY like your app. Either it is you selling it there, or it is plagiarism. I understand that this is open source, but i am not exactly sure that you can take opensource products made my someone else and sell them for money on a platform. Maybe i am wrong

Down here


@Deviantjackattack If you go to WhatsApp Web, you will see the official design the WhatsApp guys came up with. ChitChat works by displaying this web page in a Safari-based wrapper (using WebKit) to make us feel we're using a desktop app. That's also how any other "desktop WhatsApp" client is going to work since there is no open WhatsApp API to hook into.

I have no attachment to makers of the app you point at, seen it here for the first time. To be fair to them, they seem to bring some extra functionality to the table, like: in-notification reply, lock with passcode.

It is the project dead? Almost 6 months have passed from the last release (v1.5.0)...

@stasky15 There is an active fork here: