how to import N-MNIST?
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Hello, I'm a student in school. I've used all three of the other data, but I don't know how to import N-MNIST? I use NMNIST_Converter.m(NMNIST_Converter('Train', 1,2000)), i find it just ouput the A folder named '2312_2000_stable' contains 10 '.dat' files which are all empty bytes. Is your.m function a reference to this site ''?
Do I need to prepare any datasets in advance? Another question is, what's the difference between MINST_DVS( and N-MINST?Is the MINST_DVS dataset useful to me?I've never been able to figure out the data on N-MINST. I really want to know.
Yes, the data is from Please make sure the files in the preprocessing folder are put together with the Train and Test folder. The function I used is NMNIST_Converter('Train', 1, 3000) and NMNIST_Converter('Test', 1, 3000). Please let me know if you have any error messages.
I don't know the MINST_DVS. It seems it is from another work.
Does the training and Test folder refer to the regular MNIST data set? I don't understand the NMNIST_Converter function, which also doesn't have a place to read the regular MNIST data set. After I've executed this function, it doesn't seem right to print zero
NMNIST_Converter('Train', 1, 3000)
The average ignored spike per sample is 0.000000
The max spike train duration is 0
The median spike train duration is 0
NMNIST_Converter('Test', 1, 3000)
The average ignored spike per sample is 0.000000
The max spike train duration is 0
The median spike train duration is 0
Download everything in this dropbox link.
Copy NMNIST_Converter.m and RemoveNulls.m to the same folder.
Unzip and
Run NMNIST_Converter('Train', 1, 3000). You could see the progress bar. After it finish, you can run for the test again.
I checked the code just now. Everything is correct and it can generate the preprocessed data.
I just realized I uploaded the wrong version of the conversion code. I have fixed the problem. Please try it again.