
Model returning NULL results

Opened this issue · 3 comments


I was trying to run the example script "CS_shock_tutorial.Rmd", but after fitting the model,
the fit.lmerSeq object contained only NULL values for all the fits.

Do you have an idea what could be the problem?

Thank you,

Has this been addressed? I tried this today and it still gives the NULL result. My download was this morning (April 2, 2024)


I don't remember if I changed anything when the problem came up, but I tried just now to run the example, and it worked fine. Perhaps it's something related to updating other packages?

It could be because of other packages being updated. I have the feeling that it might be in nlme. Which version are you using? The one that I have installed is 3.1-164. Which is the newest version. This version data is 2023-11-27.
