Installation via pip is broken
Opened this issue · 1 comments
The installation via pip seems to be successful:
pip3 install --user -e ./
Installing collected packages: blivet-gui
Found existing installation: blivet-gui 2.1.4
Uninstalling blivet-gui-2.1.4:
Successfully uninstalled blivet-gui-2.1.4
Running develop for blivet-gui
Successfully installed blivet-gui
But the resulting script in ~/.local.bin/ fails to run:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/max/.local/bin/blivet-gui", line 6, in
exec(compile(open(file).read(), file, 'exec'))
File "/home/max/source/blivet-gui/blivet-gui", line 40, in
from blivetgui.dialogs.message_dialogs import ErrorDialog
File "/home/max/source/blivet-gui/blivetgui/dialogs/", line 31, in
from .helpers import adjust_scrolled_size
File "/home/max/source/blivet-gui/blivetgui/dialogs/", line 34, in
from blivet import devicefactory, formats
ImportError: No module named 'blivet'
The error simply means that you don't have blivet module.
I don't plan to support installation using pip -- blivet depends on some C libraries and it is not possible to install these using pip, so it won't be possible to install blivet-gui without these dependencies.