
Conflicting use of this plugins PSPDFThreadSafeMutableDictionary class with PSPDFKit library

corran2go opened this issue · 2 comments

first of all, thanks for providing this cordova plugin and all the work related to keep it up-to-date.

I'm having an issue in a cordova app which also includes the commercial PSPDFKit. So Xcodes gives the following warning for a class you seemed to habe copied from PSPDFKit:

objc[892]: Class PSPDFThreadSafeMutableDictionary is implemented in both /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/xxx/ (0x106b24198) and /var/containers/Bundle/Application/xxx/ (0x10532cdf0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

Would it be possible to resolve this issue and release a bugfix release?


I would likely fix this in a major release, maybe at the same time as #868 (build issue with cordova-plugin-file) & #867 (SQLite 3.28.0 security release).

Should be fixed now, see 7290f57