
Cannot read property getGroups of undefined

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Not exactly sure whats going on here but I have a feeling it's tied to the fact that there may not be any groups associated to a directory.

How it all started was me configuring a Google social login directory. I mapped the directory to the application and all seemed well.

Later, when I ran the application locally, I am consistently failing on initializing the Stormpath communication piece(never gets to stormpath.ready).

// ...
application.use(stormpath.init(application, stormpathConfiguration));
application.on('stormpath.ready', () => {

  application.listen(port, (error) => {
    if (error) {
    open(`http://localhost:${port}`);`Serving API from ${host}:${port}`);


/* eslint-disable no-process-env */
const configuration = {
  web: {
    produces: ['application/json'],
    me: {
      expand: {
        customData: true
  // For more information on caching options and settings
  cacheOptions: {
    store: 'redis',
    connection: { 
      host: process.env.CACHE_HOST || 'localhost',
      port: process.env.CACHE_PORT || 6379
  register: {
    form: {
      fields: {
        color: {
          enabled: true,
          label: 'Color',
          placeholder: 'blue',
          type: 'text'

export default configuration;
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getGroup' of undefined
    at /Users/oshalygin/dev/Atom/node_modules/stormpath-config/lib/strategy/EnrichIntegrationFromRemoteConfigStrategy.js:155:28
    at Object.drain (/Users/oshalygin/dev/Atom/node_modules/stormpath/lib/resource/CollectionResource.js:1044:9)

I did a little more research on the EnrichIntegrationFromRemoteConfigStrategy:

EnrichIntegrationFromRemoteConfigStrategy.prototype._resolveDirectoryHref = function (app, callback) {
  var outerScope = this;

  app.getAccountStoreMappings(function(err, mappings) {
    if (err) {
      return callback(err);

    mappings.detect(function(mapping, detectCallback) {
    }, function(defaultMapping) {
      if (defaultMapping) {
        var href = defaultMapping.accountStore.href;

        if (href.match(/directories/)) {
          return callback(null, href);

        if (href.match(/group/)) {
          console.log(outerScope); //added this to see whats going on
          console.log(outerScope.client);  //added this to see whats going on
          outerScope.client.getGroup(href, function(err, group) {
            return callback(err, group &&;
        } else {
          return callback(null, null);
      } else {
        return callback(null, null);

I added a few breakpoints and logs and

console.log(outerScope) => EnrichIntegrationFromRemoteConfigStrategy { clientFactory: [Function: ClientFactory] }
console.log(outerScope.client) => obviously undefined.

I have a feeling that this commit fixes the problem.

Going to upgrade my express-stormpath version to 3.1.8

UPDATE: that didn't work.

Okay upgrading express-stormpath to version 3.1.8 didn't do it, so I went to look at the stormpath-config npm module and noticed that this version didnt have the commit from @robertjd


So I manually added that line and re-ran it and everything is back to perfection.

I'll make a PR shortly

Addressed as part of a release