
Enhancement - Multiplayer

Opened this issue · 3 comments

This is something I find rather important, since right now it's kind of just beating up on a helpless AI.

Custom teamcoloring would be neat as well.

Looks good though, I can probably also learn something from your saving/loading code for making saving/loading in my other Unity projects. :D

There is custom teamcoloring present. In the inspector in Unity each Player has a TeamColor property that you can mess about with. It would not be too hard to add the ability for a user to select this, but that is very low priority at the moment.

The reality is that multiplayer is hard - and not just a little bit hard, but really hard. If I add it in it will not be for a very long time (years probably). What I am planning on doing (sometime in the next year maybe?) is to add in some basic AI so that the game is at least interactive. I have left it out so far because I have been focused on building up the complex architecture of the game.

The thing about Unity networking is it's pretty easy to wrap your head around, I was like "mehhh...this is going to be so HARD" when I first got started, and about 3 hours later had a basic Multiplayer setup running.

Take a look around at some tutorials, and ask me if you need help. I probably can help, I know a decent bit about Unity networking.

It is not so much the getting networking going. I have worked on another project where we were using the Unity networking, but this was more of an FPS style environment rather than the RTS that we have going here. So I am aware of some of the practical details involved.

But when it comes to RTS there is still a lot to consider. Performance issues and synchronisation issues would be the main ones I can think of off the top of my head. Then there is the question of how to implement that within the existing architecture so that things scale well into the future.

While it would be cool, and even useful, to get working, it is not a big priority for me at this stage. I will get to it, but not for quite a while. And even with multiplayer in place you still want to have AI working - unit AI so that your army does need to be told absolutely everything you want it to do, player AI so that you and your friends can play against the computer.

The reality is that this is a side project for me. And as useful as people are finding this, and the associated tutorial, there are still large limitations on the time that I have available. So I do need to be very selective about which things I choose to do next.