[Bug] Export excluding sequence headers and footers messes up page breaks
KsenoJiva opened this issue · 2 comments
KsenoJiva commented
I like to use acts and sequences to structure my writing.
But in the final exported PDF I do not want them, so on export I use the option "Exclude sequence headers and footers".
On exporting a screenplay with acts and sequences, with the option "Exclude sequence headers and footers" enabled, the automatic page breaks shift upward from the actual end of the page.
The automatic page breaks should be recalculated on export according to the to be exported script layout.
dimkanovikov commented
Thanks! It should be fixed in the latest dev version. Please check it when you'll have a time.
KsenoJiva commented
Again, thank you for the quick fix.
The automatic page breaks are now correctly placed in the exported PDF.