
I have error "Definition for rule 'import/no-unresolved' was not found"

Closed this issue · 8 comments

i generated a new project using vue cli
when adding vue add storybook files are generated
and getting error when yarn storybook: serve
i don't know why this happens, it's a clear project


What is generated-stories-entry.js?
I don’t think this is provided by this package.

What is generated-stories-entry.js?
I don’t think this is provided by this package.

Don't know, this is a clean project vue create test and vue add storybook. that's all

I am trying again now. and I get the same error, and I tested that on the other OS. mac/windows/ubuntu
idk maybe is help

Is there a reason you are using vue-2? For new projects I would always recommend vue-3.
When using vue-3 you can also choose storybook ^6.4.1.
I can’t recreate you setup right now, because I’m already on vue-cli-5, but maybe you can share you minimal setup as a github repo?

yeah, sure I can share. I don't use vue-3 because projects on my work use vue-2. It's not my choice))

Seems like the eslint version is too old. But imho this internal storybook file should not be linted in the first place. Do you know why it is linted @pksunkara ?

It's nothing this repo does. I think the fix here is to ignore that file in gitignore (or eslintignore) because it seems to be generated by storybook.