
Using the latest version 5.1.9 of Storybook

fernandoagarcia opened this issue · 7 comments

Is it possible to use a specific version of Storybook? I am trying some addons that are only working on the latest 5.1.9 because of some core-js dependency. I've testing the direct install and the addons work fine. However using this plugin it seems to fail on serve.

You have to be more clear. I don't understand your setup from your message. I am currently using storybook 5.1.9 with this plugin and it's working for me.

@pksunkara thanks for the reply. I'm using vue-cli-plugin-storybook 0.6.1 and you are correct it is using Storybook 5.1.9.

The issue I'm having is when I use the addon '@storybook/addon-viewport' Storybook fails with:
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'core-js/modules/es.array.concat' in

From this doc here this addon is support in Vue.

Ideally it should not be an issue. But what this plugin does is that it uses your vue project webpack config as a starter. You need to upgrade your vue-cli deps to 4.0.0-alpha.4 which has core-js stuff.

@pksunkara just updated on all of my packages with code-js ^3.1.2 and I am now using 4.0.0-alpha.4

but still getting the same error:

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'core-js/modules/es.array.concat' in '/Users/fernandogarcia/git/fox/webpack/node_modules/@storybook/addon-viewport/dist'

Found an issue posted on : Storybook's Gihub that says it is related to 5.1.9 but if you have the addon working then it is probably my setup.

@pksunkara So a quick correction. I keep getting 5.0.11 installed which is why the addon was failing. I tried re-invoking the generator for this vue cli plugin and I can't seem to get 5.1.9 installed.

Storybook 5.0.11 started │ │ 9.46 s for manager and 10 s for preview │ │ │ │ Local: http://localhost:6006/ │ │ On your network: │ │ │ │ A new version (5.1.9) is available! │ │ │ │ Read full changelog here:

Check your yarn.lock or package-lock.json. Also make sure you have storybook@5.1.9 in your package.json

@pksunkara I deleted my yarn.lock but also had to run vue add vue-cli-plugin-storybook again so it would install the deps. Now it is working @5.1.9 with all the addons. Thank you for your help.