Get the imageurl inside an structurefield
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If I use your selectorfield inside an structurefield. How can get the imageurl?
If I do it like in the documentation I have to break the foreach.
What can I do?
Kind regards
Could you post the structure
fields related excerpt from your blueprint? And the code you have tried to use to get the image url?
my structurefield
<?php if(!defined('KIRBY')) exit ?>
title: Page
pages: true
files: true
label: Title
type: text
label: Text über Partnerauflistung
type: textarea
size: large
icon: align-left
label: Kooperationspartner
type: structure
entry: >
{{partnerlogo}}<br />
{{partnername}} {{partnergenre}}
{{partnerdescription}} {{partnerurl}}
label: Partnerlogo
type: selector
mode: single
- image
label: Partnername
type: text
label: Partnergeschäftsbereich
type: text
label: Beschreibung
type: textarea
size: large
label: Webseite
type: url
in this template I call the imageurl width:
<?php echo $partner['partnerlogo'] ?>
but this brings only the imagename with suffix not the hole url.
Here is actually my php code:
$partners = yaml($page->partner());
$partnerimage = $page->partnerlogo()->toFile();
<article class="maincontent box col-sx-24 col-sm-22 col-sm-offset-1 col-md-10 col-md-offset-6 col-lg-10 col-lg-offset-6">
<header class="col-xs-24 col-sm-24 col-md-24 col-lg-24">
<h1 class="col-xs-23 col-sm-23 col-md-23 col-lg-23 nogutter pull-left"><?php echo html($page->title()) ?></h1>
<?php if($page->subtitle() !== ''): ?>
<h2><?php echo html($page->subtitle()) ?></h2>
<?php endif ?>
<div class="headlineborder-red col-xs-5 col-sm-5 col-md-5 col-lg-5 clearfix"></div>
<?php echo kirbytext($page->textbeforpartner()) ?>
<div class="partnerboxes">
<?php foreach($partners as $partner): ?>
<figure class="partnerbox">
<a class="noajax" href="<?php echo $partner['partnerurl'] ?>" target="_blank">
<img class="logo" src="<?php echo $partner['partnerlogo'] ?>">
<figcaption class="partnerboxcont">
<h3><div><?php echo $partner['partnername'] ?></div><div><?php echo $partner['partnergenre'] ?></div></h3>
<p><?php echo $partner['partnerdescription'] ?></p>
<a class="noajax" href="<?php echo $partner['partnerlogo'] ?>" target="_blank" style="padding-bottom: 6px;"><?php echo $partner['partnerurl'] ?></a>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php echo html($page->text()) ?>
<?php snippet('javascript_maincontent') ?>
To get the URL I tried different ways to call.
But also the direct way like your described doesn't work also:
// Convert the filename to a full file object
$partnerlogo = $page->partnerlogo()->toFile();
// Use the file object
echo $partnerlogo->url();
Here I got the errormessage
Fatal error: Call to a member function url() on a non-object in
I would appreciate your help for getting this work. i think my problem is a problem which is getting a lot people who are not so trained in php :).
I think the way described in the docs does not work, because the field $page->partnerlogo()
does not exist, your field lives within the structure field, not as a separate field in the file.
You can solve it like this:
Hi texnixe,
thanks, I will try it.
But if I understand your right, the way described in the docs will never work, or?
Every selector field is not an seperate field in the structrue field. Or do I understand something wrong?
The way described in the docs works if your image field is not within a structure field.
A field within a structure field, however, cannot be accessed directly with a page method like you tried above.
Hallo texnixe,
I was a little bit confused. Now I understand also how it has to work, after you have say me the solution :).