
[DealsLayout] Sold out overlay label not showing

Closed this issue · 2 comments

stowy commented

The sold out overlay needs to show for sold out deals. This consists of a centered 'Sold Out' label over the image, and an overlay over the top of the whole deal card with an alpha.

This is attempted here:

  ASOverlayLayoutSpec *soldOut = [ASOverlayLayoutSpec overlayLayoutSpecWithChild:self.soldOutOverlay overlay:self.soldOutOverlayTop];
  soldOut.flexGrow = YES;

  ASOverlayLayoutSpec *soldOutOverImage = [ASOverlayLayoutSpec overlayLayoutSpecWithChild:imagePlace overlay:soldOut];

However it doesn't show the soldOutOverlayTop or the sold out label which is a subnode of the sold out overlay, see:

  self.soldOutLabelFlat = [[ASTextNode alloc] init];
  self.soldOutLabelFlat.alignSelf = ASStackLayoutAlignSelfCenter;
  self.soldOutLabelFlat.flexGrow = YES;
  self.soldOutLabelFlat.backgroundColor = [[UIColor whiteColor] colorWithAlphaComponent:0.9];
  self.soldOutLabelFlat.sizeRange = ASRelativeSizeRangeMake(ASRelativeSizeMake(ASRelativeDimensionMakeWithPercent(0), ASRelativeDimensionMakeWithPoints(50.0)), ASRelativeSizeMake(ASRelativeDimensionMakeWithPercent(100), ASRelativeDimensionMakeWithPoints(50.0)));

  self.soldOutOverlayTop = [[ASDisplayNode alloc] init];
  self.soldOutOverlayTop.flexGrow = YES;
  self.soldOutOverlayTop.backgroundColor = [[UIColor whiteColor] colorWithAlphaComponent:0.5];

  self.soldOutOverlay = [[ASDisplayNode alloc] init];
  self.soldOutOverlay.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
  [self.soldOutOverlay addSubnode:self.soldOutLabelFlat];
  [self.soldOutOverlay addSubnode:self.soldOutOverlayTop];
  self.soldOutOverlay.hidden = YES;
  [self addSubnode:self.soldOutOverlay];
stowy commented

Note for now I have added manual layout of the sold out overlay and label, however the text label does not centrally align. Do you have an idea @appleguy?

stowy commented

Resolved using a combination of overlay spec, static spec, center spec and background spec.