
Feature-parity with age: version flag

razvanazamfirei opened this issue · 2 comments


  • OS: Darwin arm64, macOS 14.4
  • rage version: rage 0.10.0

What were you trying to do

rage -version

age supports -version, but rage does not. This can cause an issue if rage is used as a drop-in for age.

What happened

❯ rage -version
error: unexpected argument '-v' found

  tip: to pass '-v' as a value, use '-- -v'

Usage: rage [--encrypt] (-r RECIPIENT | -R PATH)... [-i IDENTITY] [-a] [-o OUTPUT] [INPUT]
       rage [--encrypt] --passphrase [-a] [-o OUTPUT] [INPUT]
       rage --decrypt [-i IDENTITY] [-o OUTPUT] [INPUT]```

You can use either -v or --version with current rage. -version will not be supported.