
Lost focus on drop-down selecting

Rike-cz opened this issue · 3 comments

When any drop-down is opened and mouse is used to select their items, toolbar lost focus and goes transparent.

Hi Rike, thanks for the post!

When the toolbar is visible and you open any dropdown-list inside the toolbar (for example from the font dropdown-list) then the toolbar will go transparent as soon as the mouse cursor enters the dropdown list.
Actually this is no bug and I intentionally left this behavior in the plugin, since the dropdown-list of CKEditor have a very nice title-bar and it is always clear what options are edited at the moment

Like this example:

OK, I understand. But is there easy way to change this behaviour? :-)


I did notice this behavior before when I did create the plugin. But unfortunately I did discover, that the popup-list is a complete "loose" layer that just sits at the correct position. It is quite difficult to find the relationship between the popup list and the toolbar. I.e. currently I cannot tell if the popup-list was triggered by the floating toolbar or by the normal toolbar, so I cannot really add the mouse-events to it.

Because personally I like the style better when the toolbar fades out I decided to not spend much time on this issue and leave the functionality like it currently is ;-)

However, I did take a note of this, I try to find a solution when I have some time for this. It will require some research and I am not sure if I can solve it... I also appreciate any tipps/feedback that might help me with this issue :-)