Toolbar visible outside of editor on page load, prior to editor interaction.
JamesAlday opened this issue · 2 comments
I hadn't noticed this when I had initially installed the plugin, so I'm not sure if something has changed, but I've recently been seeing the floating toolbar show up on the page, outside of the editor, when the page loads.
Inspecting it, the toolbar is not hidden by default, so I added some javascript to the page to hide it, but it still "flashes" as the toolbar shows up and is later hidden.
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(e) {
The attached image shows a few fields in my form, with the toolbar floating over the 'Slug' field and not anywhere near the editor itself. This is on page load before any interaction with the page.
You can look for the position of floating tools
search in script "top:-500px" (default position of floating tools)
then just change it to -10000px or what you want.
and it fixed ^^
Works like a charm, thanks!