
Template relinking leavers partials behind

Closed this issue · 4 comments

epka commented

One minor niggle I found out, you might want to fix at some point (not critical), or if someone else needs this.

When using options.template, the template.hbs relinks ok, but partials stay linked to livingCSS/template directory.
It's a minor hassle, but e.g. for me, the need to relink template comes from need to keep all source files (including templates) in one location.

I fixed this now on my install by throwing in this code:

  //Define path to Handlebars partials based on path to template
    //So defaultPartials is always always grounded on path of options.template
  var pathToTemplate = options.template.substring(0, options.template.lastIndexOf('/'));
  defaultPartials = path.join(pathToTemplate, '/partials/*.hbs')

Just after options.template is checked (on index.js, line 88). But, there is probably more elegant way to accomplish same :-)

When you say relink, do you mean you have your own directory structure that you want the partials loaded from? So you're structure looks something like this:


And you want your template and partials to load from there?

epka commented


In the preprocess option you can load your partials from your own directory and override the ones in the default partials directory.

preprocess: function(context, template, Handlebars) {
  utils.readFileGlobs(defaultPartials, function(data, file) {
    // make the name of the partial the name of the file
    var partialName = path.basename(file, path.extname(file));
    Handlebars.registerPartial(partialName, data);
epka commented

Ok. I thought that I missed something obvious.