
3.9.1 Compatibility Issue?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Testing in WP 3.9.1 with only bbPress, PMP Pro and PMP Pro bbPress activated, on a new WP install (just a week or so old) -

Setup 2 sample levels in PMP Pro, 3 sample forums with one child forum. Set both top-level forums to the first level (free), set the child forum to the second level (paid).

When I set my membership level to free I'm unable to view any forum (including the top-level forums and forum index), and presented with the notice that the forum is restricted to those with xyz level membership.

If I set my membership level to paid I'm obviously able to view all forums.

Happy to provide further information, etc if it will help debug an issue. :)

And .. given a few extra minutes, solution.

If this comes up for anyone else, just keep a close eye on the naming of your Forum Root slug and Single Forum slug. They weren't identical, but forum and forums respectively. Switching them solved the issue ..

Thanks for posting this and your solution. We might be able to make our code a little more "bullet proof" to handle your situation.

To be clear, was your forum base "/forums/" and you had a forum named "forum" at /forums/forum/?

No, that's what was strange about it. There were no other instances of "forums" or "forum" as a slug or name for anything else.