
Plugin stops Strapi 4.15.1 from building

xenobytezero opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Adding the plugin to my Strapi 4.15.1 app causes the build to fail

ERROR in ./node_modules/strapi-plugin-publisher/admin/src/components/Action/Action.js 3:0-80
Module not found: Error: Package path ./admin/src/content-manager/utils is not exported from package <APP_ROOT>\node_modules\@strapi\admin (see exports field in <APP_ROOT>\node_modules\@strapi\admin\package.json) 

In 4.15.1 the @strapi/admin package added an export map to it's package.json, meaning that direct source imports don't work any more, so the following line breaks in admin/src/components/Action/Action.js

import { createYupSchema } from '@strapi/admin/admin/src/content-manager/utils';

It doesn't look like createYupSchema is exposed properly, so the schema validation imight need to be disabled?

I'll probably add the code for this direclty so it's no longer dependant on a path.

4.15.0 and 4.15.1 are deprecated versions. The current latest active version is 4.15.2


I'll look into directly adding the code for this to the plugin so it's no longer dependant on a path.

P.S. 4.15.0 and 4.15.1 are deprecated versions. The current latest active version is 4.15.2

Ahh yea sorry, I updated to 14.15.2 and saw the issue, the issue was introduced in the 14.15.1 release.

Any updates?

Sorry for the delay, this should be resolved in the latest release (1.5.3)