
[bug] api prefix and admin clash causes admin to break

alcir-junior-caju opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello, I followed the settings correctly, and everything went right.

I created the plugins.js added the settings, and sent the settings via environment variables.

External API working perfectly.

But when I went to access the Content Type, I'm getting this error message:


And it doesn't load the Content Types, and the contents I have are gone:


I'm using strapi 4.1.12

And my settings:


If I disable the settings everything goes back to normal.
And I'm uploading the strapi with:

yarn strapi develop --watch-admin

I would love to use this extension, but with this problem I can't use it, did I miss some configuration?

Thanks for the help.

Thanks for the report, I will have to look into this. It's possible that version changed something that broke the plugin.

I noticed that this only happens when the api prefix is ​​/

I believe that the Admin should consume the api by this prefix, and as the structure of the api has changed, it breaks the contents.

I could be wrong, but using any prefix works normally.

I will follow this problem, thanks a lot for the help.

This should be fixed in v2.0.2