Add realtime function to the tool
Opened this issue · 4 comments
verovaleros commented
We had an unused feature that is now a feature request:
parser.add_argument('-R', '--realtime',
help='Read the conn.log in real time.',
Wapiti08 commented
I will try to work on that part if it is not that urgent.
verovaleros commented
It's not urgent and we would love the contributions, thank you!
Wapiti08 commented
Has the usage of zat been abandoned? I found the dependency on zat and pyod, but no usage for zat. The only overlap of python version is 3.8. Shall I build on top of 3.8 for that? It is more easier to build on top of zat.
Wapiti08 commented
I have added the real-time functions. Please have a check to accept commits. Please let me know if there is problem then.