
Cannot return null for non-nullable field Subscription.count

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I have same issue as in #2756. Can't make work simple subscription example from strawberry docs.


System Information

  • Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
  • Strawberry version (if applicable): 0.217.1
  • Python version 3.11.3

Additional Context


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hi @vkholodov! Is that postman?

@patrick91 Yes, it is.

@vkholodov can you try with this guide?

the screenshot makes me thing it's doing a POST request and not a WS

(maybe we should do a better error in that case)

After your question I tried graphiql web app and it works. Trying to figure out what's wrong with postman request.

Maybe we can work on improving the error message in the web view here. Especially with regard to SSE/Multipart Subscriptions, indicating that a wrong / unsupported method is used will be a valuable addition.