
`create_type` Throws error of field not having a name

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the Bug

ValueError: Field doesn't have a name. Fields passed to create_type must define a name by passing the name argument to strawberry.field.

It seems like that there is an issue when using create_type and passing fields.

Looking at the code here it uses python_name

if field.python_name is None:

which seems to be hardcoded to None here


System Information

  • Operating system: Mac
  • Strawberry version (if applicable): 0.221.1

Additional Context

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@jakubikan can you show us an example of the code that triggers this issue? 😊

It basically happens when you don't pass a resolver to field

 my_name = strawberry.field(name="myName")
 query = create_type(f"Query", [my_name])