
buggy generic interfaces

Closed this issue · 3 comments

import strawberry
from typing import Optional, Generic, TypeVar, List
from strawberry.scalars import JSON

GenericType = TypeVar("GenericType")

class BlockInterface:
    id: strawberry.ID
    disclaimer: Optional[str] = strawberry.field(default=None, description='Richtext')

class JsonBlock(BlockInterface):
    data: JSON

class BlockRowType(BlockInterface, Generic[GenericType]):
    total: int
    items: List[GenericType]

class Query:
    def blocks(self) -> List[BlockInterface]:
        return [
            BlockRowType(id="3", total=3, items=["a", "b", "c"]),
            BlockRowType(id="1", total=1, items=[1, 2, 3, 4]),
            JsonBlock(id="2", data={"a": 1}),

schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query, types=[BlockRowType[int], JsonBlock, BlockRowType[str]])

throws: Int cannot represent non-integer value: 'a'

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I guess the problem is in this line

The outer Type (which implements the interface) is checked but not the nested values in items


But the outer loop here is still on the inner type

Could I assist in making progress on this issue? :)

I've done some digging in this, and we have the same issue with unions:

def test_using_generics_with_union():
    class JsonBlock:
        data: JSON

    class BlockRowType(Generic[GenericType]):
        total: int
        items: List[GenericType]

    class Query:
        def blocks(
        ) -> List[Union[BlockRowType[int], BlockRowType[str], JsonBlock]]:
            return [
                BlockRowType(total=3, items=["a", "b", "c"]),
                BlockRowType(total=1, items=[1, 2, 3, 4]),
                JsonBlock(data=JSON({"a": 1})),

    schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)

    result = schema.execute_sync("""query {
        blocks {
            ... on IntBlockRowType {
                a: items
            ... on StrBlockRowType {
                b: items
            ... on JsonBlock {

    assert not result.errors

    assert == {
        "blocks": [
            {"id": "3", "__typename": "StrBlockRowType", "items": ["a", "b", "c"]},
            {"id": "1", "__typename": "IntBlockRowType", "items": [1, 2, 3, 4]},
            {"id": "2", "__typename": "JsonBlock", "data": {"a": 1}},

fix this in unions, means touching this codebase:

def get_type_resolver(self, type_map: TypeMap) -> GraphQLTypeResolver:
def _resolve_union_type(
root: Any, info: GraphQLResolveInfo, type_: GraphQLAbstractType
) -> str:
assert isinstance(type_, GraphQLUnionType)
from strawberry.types.types import StrawberryObjectDefinition
# If the type given is not an Object type, try resolving using `is_type_of`
# defined on the union's inner types
if not has_object_definition(root):
for inner_type in type_.types:
if inner_type.is_type_of is not None and inner_type.is_type_of(
root, info
# Couldn't resolve using `is_type_of`
raise WrongReturnTypeForUnion(info.field_name, str(type(root)))
return_type: Optional[GraphQLType]
# Iterate over all of our known types and find the first concrete
# type that implements the type. We prioritise checking types named in the
# Union in case a nested generic object matches against more than one type.
concrete_types_for_union = (type_map[] for x in type_.types)
# TODO: do we still need to iterate over all types in `type_map`?
for possible_concrete_type in chain(
concrete_types_for_union, type_map.values()
possible_type = possible_concrete_type.definition
if not isinstance(possible_type, StrawberryObjectDefinition):
if possible_type.is_implemented_by(root):
return_type = possible_concrete_type.implementation
return_type = None
# Make sure the found type is expected by the Union
if return_type is None or return_type not in type_.types:
raise UnallowedReturnTypeForUnion(
info.field_name, str(type(root)), set(type_.types)
# Return the name of the type. Returning the actual type is now deprecated
if isinstance(return_type, GraphQLNamedType):
# TODO: Can return_type ever _not_ be a GraphQLNamedType?
# TODO: check if this is correct
return return_type.__name__ # type: ignore
return _resolve_union_type

which is separated from the interface part, so I need to think how we could combine both