
Descriptions don't work with pydantic decorators

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the Bug

Works as expected with regular @strawberry.input decorator

class User:
    id: str = strawberry.field(description="Id of the user")
    name: str | None = strawberry.field(description="Name of the user", deprecation_reason="No longer used")
input User {
  """Id of the user"""
  id: String!    

  """Name of the user"""
  name: String @deprecated(reason: "No longer used")

Doesn't work as expected with @strawberry.experimental.pydantic.input decorator

class UserPyd(BaseModel):
  id: str
  name: str | None

class User:
    id: str = strawberry.field(description="Id of the user")
    name: str | None = strawberry.field(description="Name of the user", deprecation_reason="No longer used")
input User {
  id: String!
  name: String @deprecated(reason: "No longer used")

System Information

  • Operating system: Ubuntu
  • Strawberry version (if applicable): 0.227.3

Additional Context

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As a sanity check, does removing the pass change anything? It definitely shouldn't but, just in case I suppose...

class User:
    id: str = strawberry.field(description="Id of the user")
    name: str | None = strawberry.field(description="Name of the user", deprecation_reason="No longer used")

Thanks for catching the typo! Unfortunately doesn't impact the bug