Extensions execution context can easily overlap between parallel executions.
Opened this issue · 2 comments
nrbnlulu commented
Describe the Bug
RN extensions can be singleton instances meaning that the execution context can change during
lifepsan hook execution (if you have parallel operaitons running) :
async def test_execution_context_distinct_on_parallel_execution():
class EnsureDistinctExtension(SchemaExtension):
def __init__(self) -> None:
async def on_operation(self) -> AsyncIterator[None]:
query = self.execution_context.query
assert self.execution_context.query == query
class Query:
async def foo(self) -> str:
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
return "pong"
async def bar(self) -> str:
await asyncio.sleep(0.02)
return "pong"
schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query, extensions=[EnsureDistinctExtension()])
query_foo = "query foo { foo }"
query_bar = "query bar { bar }"
for _ in range(10):
results = await asyncio.gather(*[schema.execute(query_foo), schema.execute(query_bar)])
for res in results:
assert not res.errors
I want to remove the execution_context from the extension instance and provide it as an argument to each hook
what do you guys think?
original discussion on discord
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nburns commented
We've seen this in the wild, with an async schema extensions seem to run multiple times since a recent update.