Episode 010: BookKeeper LAC protocol
sijie opened this issue · 0 comments
Check the following items when you plan to start an episode.
Assign people to each role by filling @handle in the following parentheses.
Coordinator: (Sijie Guo)
Instructor: (Sijie Guo)
Designer: (Cunjie Gan)
Before an episode
[Instructor] Pick a topic from the episode idea backlog.
[Instructor] Create a folder for the episode in the episode folder and name it in numeric order.
001, 002, 003
[Designer] Create an image for the episode and upload it to image folder.
[Coordinator] Publish an episode announcement with the following information to the following platforms.
Topic: BookKeeper LAC protocol
Instructor: Sijie Guo
Date: 05/15/2020
Time: 1 PM PDT
Duration: 1 hour
Live streaming link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCywxUI5HlIyc0VEKYR4X9Pg/live
Pulsar mailing list
Pulsar Slack
channel -
Pulsar Slack
channel -
StreamNative Twitter with the hashtag
StreamNative LinkedIn with the hashtag
[Instructor] Set up live stream on YouTube with OBS.
Note: if this is the first time for you to live stream, ask Sijie Guo to grant manager privilege to you for StreamNative YouTube account.
Tip: for how to live stream on YouTube with OBS, take the following as references:
[Instructor] Get everything tested well:
Live streaming device, such as camera, audio, and so on
During an episode
[Instructor] Record the episode with OBS.
[Instructor] Make notes with HackMD.
[Instructor] Interact with the audience by using YouTube Live Chat feature.
After an episode
[Instructor] Upload the recorded video to StreamNative YouTube account.
Set the image as the cover image for this episode.
Add this video to
playlist. -
Add other additional information, such as title, description, and so on.
[Instructor] Add a
for the episode.Here is a template.
[Instructor] Upload the notes to the episode folder and name it with like the following:
001-notes.md, 002-notes.md
[Instructor] Add the episode to the
. -
[Instructor] Feel free to self merge.
[Coordinator] Promote the episode with the following information to the following platforms.
Recorded link
Pulsar mailing list
Pulsar Slack
channel -
Pulsar Slack
channel -
StreamNative Twitter with the hashtag
StreamNative LinkedIn with the hashtag