
ERROR TypeError: Failed to construct 'MediaRecorder': parameter 1 is not of type 'MediaStream'.

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Thanks for this great plugin.

I have an unexpected error using the plugin.

My Code

var array_streams = [myStream];
try {
   media_stream_multiple = new MultiStreamRecorder(array_streams);
 catch(err) { 
      msg = {fr:'Ooops, Erreur imprevue :: MediaRecorder non supporté (R:F0411211307)  ' + err, en:'Ooops, Unexpected error ::  Unsupported mediaRecorder ::(R:F0411211307)' + err};[this.m_user_lang], '✔',  {duration: 4000, panelClass: this.productconstant.CONST_BASE_SNACBAR_NOTIF_STYLE.error });

It ouput that error

ERROR TypeError: Failed to construct 'MediaRecorder': parameter 1 is not of type 'MediaStream'.

I am unable to use also addStream function
media_stream_multiple.addStream( share_stream );

My environment : Angular 12

How to fix that issue ?
Please help