
Resend request support

Closed this issue · 1 comments

harbu commented

Add new command for requesting a resend. Pipes messages line-by-line to stdout until resend is completed or there is no resend.

Usage: streamr-resend <streamId> [apiKey]

request resend of stream, prints JSON messages to stdout line-by-line

  --last <n>           request last N messages
  --from <fromTs>      request messages starting from given unix epoch
  --to <toTs>          request messages until given unix epoch

  -V, --version        output the version number
  --dev                use pre-defined development environment
  --stg                use pre-defined staging environment
  --wsUrl <wsUrl>      alternative websocket url to use
  --httpUrl <httpUrl>  alternative http url to use
  -h, --help           output usage information
harbu commented

Done in #12