
2.0.0 needs to be released in RubyGems

deodad opened this issue ยท 33 comments

Por favor.

leifg commented


Any chance of this happening soonish?

zhon commented

Is 2.0.0 not ready for prime time?

Over a year since this is opened, should we just fork it and release that?

zhon commented

Very tempting. I have a private streetaddress I am currently using.

I won't have time to work on this for at least the next three months. I'm ok transferring ownership of this repo and the gem to a volunteer.

Thanks for response @derrek. I nominate @zhon since hes already using it otherwise I don't mind doing it.

I am happy to contribute!

zhon commented

I don't mind doing it, except it will be a couple of weeks before I could get to it.

I also like moving it the street-address/street-address and adding a couple of other owners.

I think moving it and having multiple collaborators is a decent proposition given my current constraints.

@jsmestad would you like to collaborate on street-address as well?

I set up street-address-rb organization. Need to do a quick bit of research to see if I think its best to transfer this repo there or fork it into there.

let me know if i can help, you should be able to transfer ownership of the repo to the new organization user in the settings tab of the project in github

Any update on this @derrek?

@drews256: I set up street-address-rb org and invited members. None of the invites were accepted.

That said I didn't follow through much. Anyone on this thread willing to help maintain it? @zhon @jnmandal @jsmestad

I'll volunteer to help co-maintain it

Will do. I got your invite last night and accepted

Hey @derrek I'm happy to help as well! I dont think I got an invite ๐Ÿค”

@jnmandal invited

Alright the repo has been moved to

Slow but steady progress...

@derrek I'm still happy to help with this repo if you're interested. I sent you an email but understand you might be busy. Feel free to reach out when you're ready.

Seems @derrek is p. busy; @zhon, @jaydorsey what do you all see as the steps we need to take to ensure the 2.0.0 is robust enough for a release?

Currently I'm using a fork of master in production for my app with no issues ( Anyone else doing something similar?

zhon commented

I have a small monkey patch to the released version (1.0.6) where I modify the way addresses are output. This works for me on Ruby 2.3. I have not even tested the master.

There are 3 unresolved patches we might want to look at (not sure if this should hold version 2).

I would like to see the test coverage metrics and see all the test passing.

@jnmandal I'm using a fork as well. The only changes I made are slight to the Gemfile to make it easier to use when you're pointing to the repo instead of using the gem.

I'd probably want to give it a full lookover including the outstanding PRs per @zhon

Also, I think a few of the issues (US/United States) could be quickly and easily addressed

I didn't want to jump into anything without chatting w/ @derrek first. Plus, he may be the only person with access to push to rubygems?

zhon commented

For @derrek to add a new owner, it only takes the following:

$ gem owner --add {{email}} {{gem}}

@zhon @jnmandal I chatted w/ @derrek briefly via email last week. He's swamped right now but is going to grant access to rubygems to one or more of us soon.

I'm currently using a fork of master. The only change I really made was to update the spec file so that the gemspec name is street_address to comport with what you commonly see in gems. IIRC, that made it slightly more intuitive to reference using it inside of a gemspec (e.g. gem/add_development_dependency 'street_address' vs StreetAddress)

Other than that, I figured I'd look at the 3 open PRs, run thru the issues list and curate it and see if there are any low hanging issues we can resolve immediately (the two for US/USA might be as easy as a regex/delete and 2 extra tests), and make sure the tests are passing.

I've been using this for a month or two now and for the most part is "just works" so I think other than the curation above a new release could be done relatively quickly.


zhon commented

I like your thinking. I think we should have working release asap. - 1.0.6 is still the latest. A changelog for a major version bump would be good. Also, using rake release would help to tag the releases and populate them in

Bump. This is a nice gem - let's bring it back to life!

Is anyone using the github master branch in production? I'd like to hear about it. If all is well we can push a 2.0 gem. I held off releasing 2.0, a long time ago, because there were some huge regression issues and I haven't been able to work in this space since.

No worries. Just happy to resuscitate the repo in some form, even if changed or slightly broken! I'm on an old version, not master. Want to take a stab at a changelog section in the README? Maybe I can help with testing.

I'm closing this issue, don't think it'll be resolved. Hopefully someone forks and maintains!

Any chance of releasing the 2.0 gem? I'm having version conflict when using this gem inside a custom gem that gets used in another project. The custom gem is working off of GitHub master (of this repo), but the project that is using that gem says
Could not find gem 'StreetAddress (~> 2.0.0)', which is required by gem 'property_service', in any of the sources. when I bundle.

It'd be great if StreetAddress 2.0.0 can be released to RubyGems.