##Normal Mode

  1. How many users are there? User.count => 50

  2. What are the 5 most expensive items? Item.limit(5).order('price desc')

  3. What’s the cheapest book? Item.where("category LIKE ?", "%book%").order(price: 'ASC').limit(1)

  4. Who lives at “6439 Zetta Hills, Willmouth, WY”? Do they have another address? Address.where(street: '6439 Zetta Hills') => user_id = 40 Address.where(user_id: 40)

  5. Correct Virginie Mitchell’s address to “New York, NY, 10108”. User.where(first_name: 'Virginie', last_name: 'Mitchell') => user_id = 39 Address.where(user_id: 39).update_all(city: 'New York', state: 'NY', zip: 10108) => 2

  6. How much would it cost to buy one of each tool? Item.where("category LIKE ?", "%tool%").sum('price') => 46477

  7. How many total items did we sell? Order.sum('quantity') => 2125

  8. How much was spent on books? Order.joins("INNER JOIN items ON orders.item_id = items.id").where("category LIKE ?", "%book%").sum("price * quantity")

  9. Simulate buying an item by inserting a User for yourself and an Order for that User. mike = User.create(first_name: "Mike", last_name: "Hughes", email: "hughes@mike.com") Order.create(user_id: User.find(51).id, item_id: 97, quantity: 3)

Hard Mode

  1. What item was ordered most often? Grossed the most money?

    Query ---> 1) Order.group(:item_id).order("count_all DESC").count

    Answer ---> 1) There is a tie for the items sold the most between - Ergonomic Concrete Gloves, Practical Rubber Computer & Incredible Granite Car, with each having 9 orders.

  2. What user spent the most? Query -
    Answer -

  3. What were the top 3 highest grossing categories? Query -
    Answer -