
Arguement "show" in descr

ptogias opened this issue · 3 comments

Question and context
It seems like I can't pass the "show" argument in the descr function.. Any ideas how I can select specific statistics?

This is the error I get every time using show = "short"
Error: Unknown column short

Have you installed the latest pkg version from GitHub?

I updated the package from GitHub and the issue seems to be solved. I think there's one more issue though when using the group_by function from dplyr and viewing the output from a browser (out = "browser")

efc %>% group_by(e16sex) %>% select(e16sex, e42dep, e15relat, c172code) %>% descr(out = "browser")
the error that pops up is

Error: Result 1 must be a single string, not a character vector of length 0

Backtrace shows

class:   purrr_error_bad_element_vector
 1. (function (x, ...) ...
 6. purrr:::stop_bad_element_vector(...)
 7. purrr:::stop_bad_vector(...)
 8. purrr:::stop_bad_type(...)

thanks, should be fixed now!