
Full staff vote

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Allow for a full vote among all staff. It should PM members when the vote has occurred, and in time intervals before the vote period ends.

When setting up a vote, a few options can be set:

  • Majority (default, only passes if votes in favor / those present > 50%)
  • Supermajority (only passes if votes in favor / those present > 66%)
  • Unanimous (only passes if all votes are in favor and fewer than 20% abstain)
  • Veto (staff can veto a proposal, causing it to fail automatically)

Abstentions are not equivalent to no-votes. When considering success of a motion, it only passes if a majority of those present vote in favor. So for a normal majority: (yes_votes - no_votes) / (yes_votes + no_votes + abstain_votes) > 0.50.

There should be an output similar to the following:

For Against Abstained Not voted yet
John, Mary, Jane Ralph, Sue Jeremy Benjamin, Jenny, Rachel

(but with mentions instead of names)

There are not any plans at the moment to implement this, and it is considered a superfluous feature.