
feature request: custom emoji

Opened this issue · 4 comments

We want to have an option to change bot respond with custom server emoji.
for example:
!set emoji :slowpoke:
atm is only default :RECYCLE: available

Are you wanting just the one to be able to be changed or all of them?
As the bot can react with a few different emojis.
Would the accept/done, waiting, no permissions be main ones you want to be able to be changed?

It's doable if you allow guilds to set custom emojis for names. Making clear how the icon names correlate to emojis from a UX perspective seems difficult. We already require needing to read to use the logger.

Are you wanting just the one to be able to be changed or all of them?
As the bot can react with a few different emojis.
Would the accept/done, waiting, no permissions be main ones you want to be able to be changed?

As for our case, we want to have an option to customise current :RECYCLE: emote of doublepost to another

I'm not sure what you mean by "recycle" or "double post"