
country_specs retrieval returns only individual and company verificaltion_fields

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I want to retrieve all required onboarding fields for businessType= non-profit.

For US, I use the following command:
stripe country_specs retrieve US returns

"verification_fields": { "company": {… 2 items}, "individual": {… 2 items}, },

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Stripe CLI
  2. Use stripe country_specs retrieve US
  3. Inspect verification_fields json - it has company and individual types.

Expected Behavior

CLI should return verification_fields for company, individual, non-profit and government_entity (only applicable for US)

Environment & Pre-requisites

For: Onboarding Custom accounts
Env: Stripe CLI Web & macOS_arm64
Country of residence: France
Reproducible with Stripe accounts registered as: BG & CA entities