
`payment_method.detached` event trigger doesn't work

Opened this issue · 1 comments

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Describe what happened and what you were trying to do

Triggering the payment_method.detached event using the CLI (v1.20.0) doesn't work.

It fails with the following error:

Trigger failed: Request failed, status=404, body={
  "error": {
    "code": "resource_missing",
    "doc_url": "",
    "message" "No such PaymentMethod: '${}'; It's possible this PaymentMethod exists on one of your connected accounts, in which case you should retry this request on that connected account. Learn more at",
    "param": "payment_method",
    "request_log_url": <redacted>,
    "type": "invalid_request_error"

Expected Behavior

Tell us what you expected to happen

The payment method detach API call to work which would eventually result in the payment_method.detached event being triggered

Steps to reproduce

What are the steps we can take to reproduce this and verify it's fixed?

Try running the following command Stripe CLI command:

stripe trigger payment_method.detached

I've already created a PR which I believe would fix the issue: #1207