
Stripe connect to reader issue ios swift

Asfand-Hafeez opened this issue · 2 comments

Read carefully i am stuck on this issue since long time
I am writing again to you i am working on tap to pay in swift when i connect to reader i got this

"Operation not permitted. Verify the app has the necessary entitlements and that the application bundle is valid.
What are the extra setup needed for Tap-to-Pay.
i follow the documentation and also check your code from test app

To help narrow down the problem: If you:

  1. build your project for device
  2. find the .app file on the file system[^1]
  3. right click and "Show package contents"
  4. use Finder's QuickLook on the embedded.mobileprovision file

it should show you a bunch of stuff including the entitlements that it actually built with. Can you paste a screenshot of that in here? It needs to explicitly have for TTP discovery to work.

[^1] by default should be somewhere like /Users/YourUser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/YourApp-abboxoipvabznycdqfyqnpbgckzq/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/

closing out stale issue. Please re-open if you get more info from going through the provided steps. And if you figured out what the problem was we'd be interested in knowing what it ended up being to see if we can improve our docs or anything.