
Help text `strm config info` is wrong

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strm context info
Error: accepts 1 arg(s), received 0
strm context info [flags]

-h, --help   help for info

Global Flags:
--api-auth-url string      User authentication host (default "")
--api-host string          API host and port (default "")
--events-auth-url string   Event authentication host (default "")
-o, --output string            Output format [json, json-raw, table, plain] (default "table")
--token-file string        Token file that contains an access token (default is $HOME/.config/stream-machine/strm-creds-<api-auth-url>.json)
--web-socket-url string    Websocket to receive events from (default "wss://")

Error: accepts 1 arg(s), received 0

strm context info <saved-entity> is the correct help text