
strong-config check not recognising secrets in yml object structure

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I am testing strong-config in a test project of mine but I have problems with strong-config check:
Strong-config recognises the following code as having a not encrypted secret:

api.apiSecret: top-secret

This config is not recognised:

  apiSecret: top-secret

Am I missing something or is this a bug?

Hey @wolframhaussig,
thanks for trying out strong-config!

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to look at your issue in-depth yet, busy week.

It's totally possible that this is a legitimate issue as we haven't tested the dot-syntax (api.url) yet.

Just to confirm, though:

  apiSecret: top-secret

⬆️ If you run strong-config check on this file, it does throw an error, right?

Hey @chapati23 ,

Thank you for your response.

If you run strong-config check on this file, it does throw an error, right?

Basically, it is the other way round. I have added 2 simple examples for you:

Using the dot-notation works while the object notation does not:

D:\tmp>strong-config check
√ No secrets found in config\failed.yml, no encryption required.
× Secrets in config\works.yml are NOT encrypted 🚨
× Not all secrets are encrypted

I've pushed up a PR that should fix this @wolframhaussig. PR review and therefore merge may be a bit slow due to Christmas but feel free to check out the PR for now, should work fine: #45

Problem was that we didn't recursively search the entire config object for secrets but only the top-level.

@chapati23 I have just tested your fix and it works like a charm!

cool, it's also released on npm as 0.2.52 now :)