
username is not imported for mongo db resources

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I believe I have discovered a bug with the SDM Terraform provider. I am importing MongoDB replica set resources into Terraform (v0.13.7) as sdm_resource with mongo_legacy_replicaset blocks.

Most of the fields from my SDM resource are imported correctly, but it seems like username is not. Using the Python SDM client I've verified that the resources I'm importing do indeed have a username set, but these are not reflected in the Terraform plan after importing them.

Wanted to get some clarification on whether this is a known issue, potential workarounds, and whether a fix is planned. Thanks!

Hi @neelrr1,

Thank you for the report. Can you please make sure to open a ticket with While opening a ticket, can you please also provide the terraform code that you use see we can test it?

Also, please provide the exact steps you take so we can recreate the issue.


Pls file a Sweeper ticket for this and we can investigate how/when to resolve

200sc commented

Version 3.12.0 of the provider should address this in coordination with some changes released today. Please feel free to reopen the ticket if you still encounter any problems.