
Alternate for 'loopback-explorer/lib/model-helper.js ?

pktippa opened this issue · 5 comments

Since loopback-explorer is deprecated, I am looking for an alternate of loopback-explorer/lib/model-helper.js-> generateModelDefinition method.

I searched through the loopback code but I am only able to find the unused test code in loopback-swagger latest 2.2.3 which referes to generateModelDefinition

loopback-explorer - "version": "1.8.0"
loopback-explorer/lib/model-helper.js -> Line 22.

@bajtos any ideas on this ? ->registerModelDefinition

Is this what you're looking for?

@pktippa what are you trying to achieve? Most of the code generating swagger spec was moved to loopback-swagger as @0candy pointed above, you should be able to access it from there.

@pktippa Did the above comments help? Can I close this issue?

@0candy Yes. Please close the issue.