
Can the loader use *.js+*.d.ts and work without TS source files and without ts-loader?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi. I want to run storybook over a dist/ directory which contain *.js and .d.ts files previously built by tsc. There are no source files (.ts) available at this stage, only the content of dist/ and tsconfig.json.

I read #18 which sounded exactly as this case, but it was closed, and another issue was referred there as a "solution" and "same problem", although I think it's not (I tried to make it work and it didn't, also the description of the second issue is totally different).

Can react-docgen-typescript-loader work in this mixed (*.js + *.d.ts) mode? What I currently see is "object" type for all props of the components and not the actual types from d.ts:


@strothj is there perhaps a configuration parameter we can pass in that would inform this library to also look in the dist directory?