

zhangxueyuan-alt opened this issue · 3 comments

The RGD code cannot modify intervals.

In version 1.0-2 and earlier versions of gdverse, the discnum in rgd can be set to a corresponding number of discretization categories for each variable, as shown in the example code below.

#> [1] '1.0.2'

rgd(y~xa+xb+xc,data = sim ,
    discnum = c(3,4,5))
#>                  RGD Model                  
#> ***          Factor Detector            
#> | variable | Q-statistic |   P-value   |
#> |:--------:|:-----------:|:-----------:|
#> |    xc    |  0.6900534  | 9.86000e-10 |
#> |    xb    |  0.5056807  | 1.08000e-09 |
#> |    xa    |  0.3579193  | 2.11993e-07 |

Created on 2024-09-24 with reprex v2.1.1

Is it what you want to express "perform different categories of discretization numbers for each variable that needs to be discretized in rgd"?

Please download version 1.0-3 of gdverse (which will be pushed to CRAN shortly), in this version, RGD has made significant changes that can meet your needs. You can input a series of discnums, and all variables to be discretized will undergo the corresponding discretization process according to discnum and calculate Q values. For example:

#> [1] '1.0.3'

g = rgd(y~xa+xb+xc,data = sim ,
        discnum = c(3,4,5))

#> ***          Robust Geographical Detector       
#> | variable | Q-statistic |   P-value    |
#> |:--------:|:-----------:|:------------:|
#> |    xc    |  0.6900534  | 9.860000e-10 |
#> |    xb    |  0.5627648  | 3.301300e-08 |
#> |    xa    |  0.4525275  | 1.257094e-05 |
#> #### Only display the results corresponding to the maximum number of discretizations!
# the result of RGD model
#> # A tibble: 9 × 4
#>   variable `Q-statistic` `P-value` discnum
#>   <chr>            <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 xc               0.606  1.86e-10       3
#> 2 xb               0.473  1.53e- 9       3
#> 3 xa               0.358  2.12e- 7       3
#> 4 xc               0.637  2.38e-10       4
#> 5 xb               0.506  1.08e- 9       4
#> 6 xa               0.406  1.98e- 5       4
#> 7 xc               0.690  9.86e-10       5
#> 8 xb               0.563  3.30e- 8       5
#> 9 xa               0.453  1.26e- 5       5
# robust discrete results
#> # A tibble: 240 × 4
#>    xa     xb     xc     discnum
#>    <chr>  <chr>  <chr>    <dbl>
#>  1 group1 group3 group2       3
#>  2 group3 group3 group3       3
#>  3 group2 group3 group2       3
#>  4 group2 group2 group2       3
#>  5 group3 group3 group3       3
#>  6 group2 group3 group3       3
#>  7 group3 group3 group3       3
#>  8 group2 group2 group2       3
#>  9 group3 group2 group3       3
#> 10 group3 group2 group3       3
#> # ℹ 230 more rows

Created on 2024-09-24 with reprex v2.1.1