
[Feature request] Keep refreshing image when not moving cursor

KaKi87 opened this issue · 8 comments

KaKi87 commented


You can run magnus from the command line (or a shortcut) with the --force-refresh parameter which will ensure that the image is refreshed even if the cursor doesn't move, which should solve this!

KaKi87 commented


I just tried magnus --force-refresh from a terminal but it doesn't change anything.


Oh. Um... it ought to! Can you say what you're running Magnus on? OS details and so on? It should work...

KaKi87 commented

Distro : Ubuntu 23.04
Desktop environment : Unity
App version : 1.0.3

OK, so, just to confirm, this is the experience I get: if I run as magnus, there's no automatic updates, and if I run as magnus --force-refresh, updates do happen, like this:

KaKi87 commented

Yes, this is what I hoped to experience, but I'm not experiencing it.

OK; I wanted to confirm that we were talking about the same thing. I'm afraid I do not know what might be causing that. I'll leave this issue open and update it if I can work something out. Apologies for this; it's supposed to work.

Hello, I have encountered the same issue, using the same runtime environment and magnus version. Adding --force-refresh had no effect. Has there been any progress on a fix?