
Vagrant provision tries to clone non-existent stucco/config2 repository

cccabot opened this issue · 1 comments

This part of the configuration attempts to clone a github repository that is not found, leading to a (as far as I can tell) infinite hang in the vagrant provision process.


  • name: download config repo
    git: repo= dest={{ stucco_dir }}/config
  • name: make sure etcd is running
    service: name=etcd state=started
  • name: setup config
    shell: NODE_ENV={{ stucco_env }} node load.js chdir={{ stucco_dir }}/config/loader

Yes, this was a problem because we had cleaned up some repos before merging our working branch (split-roles) here back into master. It is now merged, so master should work -- however we have had intermittent errors with the graph not being populated. We are trying to track that down. If you find any errors, please let us know here.