inferred type exclusions
Closed this issue · 8 comments
OntoPilot should be able to exclude one or more user-specified types from the final set of inferred class assertions (type assertions) that are generated when reasoning on an ontology/data set. This could save a lot of space for large data files.
@jdeck88, I'm working on the this issue now. Do you have some current test data somewhere I could work on (i.e., some data that are typical of what the ingest pipeline is generating)? I need the triplified data before they are run through the reasoner.
@jdeck88 -- To explain a bit more, I could use the test data in the ppo_pre_reasoner repository, but I don't think they were updated since we made all of the changes in Boulder.
Wait -- where did you put the test data? In the ppo_pre_reasoner repository?
OK-- i attached the previous to the email thread... not sure the email/github functions supports attachment. Here is a response w/ file actually attached (and 50,000 incoming records)
Excellent. Thanks!
This is now working in the phenology data ingest pipeline, so this feature is done.