
BLAM does not appear in "Add-ons" menu in Preferences

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey all, I have a bit of issue with this. I don't expect a response, but if you happen to know you may help someone else in the future.

My issue is essentially that I cannot find BLAm in the add-ons menu to activate it. I have searched it, looked for it manually, and checked testing. I have also attempted to move the .py files to the base folder. Nothing had made it appear, and I do not know what else to do. It may have been broken by some change in 2.78 (the current version I am using)+, as there is no indication otherwise.

I know of 2 possibilities

  1. What is the name of the py

  2. In the first lines of the py, is there any mention of html?

If those 2 questions dont solve it then unsure

I found a solution. By moving the .py from AppData to blender\2.78\scripts\addons, I was able to get it to display in the menu. Can't say whether it will work correctly, however.

The better way to install is to unpack zip, and use:


In the user preferences window.

You need to select file, and it is successfully installed:

Check in 2.79
