How to deploy gpt-4-1106-preview?
haq1an opened this issue · 5 comments
I'm bit confused how openai and azure openai name its model.
Can someone help me to check if I'm setting the right parameter to use gpt-4-1106-preview?
My azure openai deployment:
My mapper in the proxy:
And the project I'm using is Kerwin1202/chatgpt-web with the latest docker image with support of gpt-4-1106-preview.
Somehow I'm able to call the model, but instead of gpt-4-1106-preview, it's just gpt-4 (determined by it training data date).
TBH I'm not sure what exactly the issue is, this whole mapping stuff and azure openai's terrible naming standard is just a mess to me, so I hope that someone could help me out here.
@haq1an Here's my settings and it works perfect:
AZURE_OPENAI_API_VER: 2023-08-01-preview
gpt-4: doesn't matter because it will be mapped to deployment name eventually
gpt-4-1106: deployment name for gpt-4-1106-preview model on azure openai set by myself
PS: you should give a system prompt for gpt-4-turbo on azure: "You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. Your knowledge has been up to April 2023. "
我也遇到了一样的问题,在azure openai playground里问chatgpt是没问题的,最新训练日期是23年4月。但是通过本项目问他就只有21年9月。看log转换的应该是正确,不知问题具体在哪。难道是后面这段加粗部分的问题?
2023/12/17 12:33:18 proxying request [gpt-4-turbo] /v1/chat/completions?path=v1&path=chat&path=completions ->**&path=v1&path=chat&path=completions**
[GIN] 2023/12/17 - 12:33:21 | 200 | 2.81994504s | | POST "/v1/chat/completions?path=v1&path=chat&path=completions"
@lanceli93 这个有些自欺欺人了,就算这么写,问他什么是stable diffusion, 他是答不上来的,如下使用API,他并不知道Stable Diffusion是什么
但是Azure openai playground中回答的没问题
@stulzq 大佬不知是否能指点一二,问题出在哪?
@ripenedcat 必须要放在system prompt中, 目前的Azure 上的gpt-4-turbo原本就不大稳定, 这是微软内部的workaround. 用下面的system prompt, 问2022年世界杯结果即可验证:
You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. Follow the user's instructions carefully. Respond using markdown. Your knowledge has been up to April 2023.
@ripenedcat 必须要放在system prompt中, 目前的Azure 上的gpt-4-turbo原本就不大稳定, 这是微软内部的workaround. 用下面的system prompt, 问2022年世界杯结果即可验证:
You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. Follow the user's instructions carefully. Respond using markdown. Your knowledge has been up to April 2023.
ok. 那只能说azure openai有些拉胯了....
同样的问题,在azure openai playground里问chatgpt是没问题的,最新训练日期是23年4月。但是通过本项目问他就只有21年9月。