
localization / language support

aaronleopold opened this issue · 7 comments

I've started to hone the locale json file structure for English, something that just has to get done before any other languages are supported (so the json files keys are 1:1).

Currently, this work is being done in al/bye-chakra branch, specifically the locale files here.

Once en.json (English) is completed, I think I will just mass translate that file to a handful of other languages using whatever AI is best suited for language processing. I'll start with languages that use alphabets I am personally familiar with (e.g. Spanish, French, Italian, etc) and potentially add a few with alphabets I am not / those without alphabets (e.g. Russian, Chinese, Japanese, etc). This should kickstart the language support, but as with most AI things these translations will need to be checked by someone who actually knows the language.

if you want to translate it to Arabic i will help you with that

if you want to translate it to Arabic i will help you with that

That would be awesome, thank you! You're welcome to start whenever, basing off of this en.json as a base, but keep in mind it has some missing keys.

I'd be happy to ping you once the file itself is more completed, as well. I'm trying to look into self hostable services that provide some sort of web UI for people to do the translations, too, since it's all manual JSON editing at this point.

if you want to translate it to Arabic i will help you with that

That would be awesome, thank you! You're welcome to start whenever, basing off of this en.json as a base, but keep in mind it has some missing keys.

I'd be happy to ping you once the file itself is more completed, as well. I'm trying to look into self hostable services that provide some sort of web UI for people to do the translations, too, since it's all manual JSON editing at this point.

no problem, i started with it. also started stump docker container but didn't see any en.json there ( i want to replace it to see the translation)

Honestly I'm not sure where the locale files would be visible in the container, it must be somewhere inside that web bundle I believe is at /app/client. But, the current nightly image is based off of the develop branch, and much of the locale changes and updated usages are in al/by-chakra, so until that gets merged or I push an image manually based off of that work it will be hard to preview it in Stump

Honestly I'm not sure where the locale files would be visible in the container, it must be somewhere inside that web bundle I believe is at /app/client. But, the current nightly image is based off of the develop branch, and much of the locale changes and updated usages are in al/by-chakra, so until that gets merged or I push an image manually based off of that work it will be hard to preview it in Stump

No problem
I will upload it once i finished

i want to ask u something about stump, will it support vertical continuous reading?

No problem
I will upload it once i finished

Sounds good, thanks! If you're able to, be sure to go through the PR process (basing it into al/bye-chakra) so you can get credit where credit is due 🙂

i want to ask u something about stump, will it support vertical continuous reading?

Yes, but most likely not until after v0.1.0 gets released. Even though it honestly isn't overly complicated to add sooner, there is already such a large amount of work left to be done throughout other areas of Stump, see #107, and the majority of work is currently done by me on my free time during the weekends 😄

There's no official ticket/issue for it, so if this is something you want to track and be aware of once completed, I'd suggest making a feature request for it. Added bonus with the increased visibility of a feature request could also mean someone else wanting to contribute may complete it before I have the time to.

Superseded by #139